Welcome, I am

Altay Firat

A researcher, lecturer, bureaucrat, and an environmentalist but more importantly an active member of the Turkish Cypriot community, striving for its development.

Lecturer / Bureaucrat / Environmentalist

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Let me tell you about my story
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I was born in 1968 in Cyprus and completed my primary, secondary, and high school studies there. Later on, I have moved to Istanbul in order to follow my educational goals and in 1990, I received my BSc in Geography at Istanbul University. Pursuing my educational curiosity further, I completed my Master’s degree in Business at the European University of Lefke in 1998. To enhance my educational career, I obtained a Ph.D. in Environment Education and Administration & Management at Near East University in 2013. I have also written numerous articles regarding environment and geography which have been published by well-known international journals. While climbing up the ladder of academia, under the Ministry of Education, I served as a teacher, deputy headmaster and, headmaster between the years of 1992 and 2016 in middle and high schools across the country. As a product of my passion for contributing the education of my community, I became one of the co-writers of the Geography of Cyprus (Liseler Için Kıbrıs Coğrafyası) lecture book which is being currently studied by high school students. In 2016, I have been appointed as a high-level bureaucrat to the head of the Forestry Department and served until 2018. During my tenure, I have faced with serious developments and forest fires were the heaviest cross to bear. Nevertheless, as the person in charge, it was incumbent upon me to manage these unfortunate events and I candidly believe that I put a great effort in doing so. During my incumbency, I also had the opportunity to develop and specialize in forestry and forest management.

My Researches

In the following, you can find some of my published works that I have analyzed and elaborated on education, geography, and energy resources.

Forest Fires in North Cyprus between 2000-2016: the Causes and Prevention

The Ministry of Forestry of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus has great responsibilities in the fight against forest fires. Among the factors that are effective in the protection of forest...


Analysis of the attitudes of teacher candidates about renewable energies

The awareness, attitudes and behaviors of teacher candidates, who will be employed in primary and secondary education, about renewable energy within the scope of environmental...


Quality Assurance Issues in Higher Education Sectors of Developing Countries

This study provides information about pursuit of quality education in higher education institutions. Higher education structures and systems of developed and developing...


*** You can view rest of my researches at Google Scholar ***

My Interviews
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Kuraklık yangına davetiye çıkarıyor

Orman Dairesi Eski Müdürü Altay Fırat, küresel ısınma ve buna bağlı iklim değişimlerine paralel olarak dünya genelinde kuraklaşma olduğunu söyledi.

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Bizi büyük tehlikeler bekliyor

Ot formasyonunun fazla olduğunu ve kurumaya başladığını belirten Orman Dairesi Eski Müdürü Fırat, “Yangın mücadelesinde daha etkin önlemler...

Turuncu ışığı göremedik

Orman Dairesi Eski Müdürü Yrd. Doç. Dr. Altay Fırat, doğanın çok önceden turuncu ışık yaktığını sonra da kırmızı ışıkta bize, “dur” dediğini söyledi..

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KKTC orman dairesi müdüründen zziyaret

KKTC Orman Dairesi Müdürü Doç.Dr. Altay Fırat Kuşadası’nda  Uluslararası bir konferansa katılmak üzere geldiği İzmir’de İzmir Orman Bölge Müdürü Şahin Aybal’a nezaket ziyaretinde bulundu.

Kalkan’daki yangın

Orman Dairesi Müdürü Altay Fırat, dün öğle saatlerinde başlayan, havadan ve karadan müdahalelerle akşamüzerinden itibaren kontrol altına alınan Kalkanlı’daki yangınla ilgili soğutma çalışmalarının sürdüğünü söyledi.

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*** Click Here to see my video interviews ***

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Please feel free to contact me via the given form for more detailed information on geography, education, environment, and forestry.